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Breaking News Markus Krall And Hans Georg Maassen Form New Political Party

Breaking News: Markus Krall and Hans-Georg Maaßen Form New Political Party

Founding of Values Union Party Announced

In a surprising development, Markus Krall, a prominent German business consultant and author, and Hans-Georg Maaßen, former president of Germany's domestic intelligence agency, have announced plans to establish a new political party.

Values Union Movement Gains Momentum

The decision follows a meeting of the Values Union, a conservative association within Germany's Christian Democratic Union (CDU). The Values Union has been advocating for the formation of a new party, citing concerns about the CDU's direction.

Krall and Maaßen Emerge as Key Players

Markus Krall, a leading figure in the Values Union movement, has played a pivotal role in driving the push for a new party. He has been criticized in the past for his moderate views, but his involvement in this initiative suggests a shift in his position.

Hans-Georg Maaßen, a controversial figure known for his vocal opposition to immigration, will also serve as a co-founder of the new party. His presence is expected to attract supporters from the far right.

Details of the New Party Yet to Be Determined

The name and platform of the new party are yet to be finalized. However, it is anticipated that the party will focus on traditional conservative values and prioritize issues such as border security and national sovereignty.
